In this article, we will explore the types of expenditure that may be avalible to Club, Society, or Project's
In order to maintain some degree of control on how much we spend, there are limits on the amount people can authorise. A Club, Society or Project Chair or Treasurer can approve up to £50 and anything over this amount must also be approved by a Management Group Chair or Treasurer. For items over £1,000 a Deputy President must also approve the expenditure.
Claim | Claims are used for smaller expenditures when you or another member of your Club, Society or Project spend your own money and need to be reimbursed by the Union from your group’s accounts. |
Purchase Order | When making larger purchases from suppliers you should use a purchase order. These should be raised in plenty of time before payment is needed to ensure that they can be approved in time and that the purchase order number can be given to the supplier to quote on their invoice. (If the purchase order number is on an invoice it allows the Union Finance Team to quickly see that the expenditure has been authorised and so payment will be made faster). |
Internal Charging | If purchasing goods/services from another group or from a Union department, they will raise an internal charge which you will need to approve to pay them. |
Credit Card | The Union has a credit card that can be used where no other method of payment is acceptable to the supplier. |
International Payments | International bank transfers can be made when an overseas supplier requires payment, a hostel for a tour for example. |
If you're uncertain which type of expenditure is suitable for your activity/event please contact for guidance.