This collection includes guidence in the following areas:
The Election Timetable
- Nominations
- Manifestos
- Voting
- Complaints
- Results
The election and accompanying timtable will be announced through:
- 'News' section of the Union website, and/or
- Your club, society or projects' mailing list via an email sent to all members
Elections timetable - CSP Leadership Elections 2024
The timetable for this election is as follows:
Milestone | Date & Time (GMT) |
Nominations Open | 10:00 12/02/2024 (Monday) |
Nominations Close | 14:00 01/03/2024 (Friday) |
Manifestos Due | 14:00 05/03/2024 (Tuesday) |
Voting Opens | 10:00 11/03/2024 (Monday) |
Voting Close | 12:00 14/03/2024 (Thursday) |
Complaints deadline | 14:00 14/03/2024 (Thursday) |
Results announced | 17:00, 15/03/2024 (Friday) |
If this timetable clashes with your CSPs schedule you should follow the opt out process, please note it is time sensitive.
Am I eligible to stand/vote in an election?
For you to be eligible to take part in an election you must be a:
- Registered student of Imperial College London
- Full member of the Union; this does not include Associate or Life members
- Member of your CSP; purchased or joined via the Union website before the close of the nomination period
If you want to stand for a position you must also be a:
- Full member for the duration of your term in office (01 August - 31 July)
If you think your are eligible to participate in an election but are having issues with eVoting, please reach out to the Election Team for help.
If you are on Interrupton of Studies (IoS) for your term in office, you are unable to hold a committee position
Do you need help?
Visit the elections FAQ - here
Management Group Committee/ Constituent Union Commitee: Your MG Chair/CU Committee is trained to help you with this topic. Please find your relevant contact here.
Union Email Contact: