Paying by Credit Card





You can use the Union's credit card when the supplier does not accept other forms of payment. This is usually for hotel, Airbnb and flight bookings. It can also be used for online and phone purchases, securing reservations or getting discounts. The Union provides this service,so you do not need to make large claims.

Please note for any amount over £250.00, the invoice will need to show the Union's name and address Imperial College UnionBeit Quad, Prince Consort Road, London SW7 2BB.

To pay by credit card there is a request and payment system that must be followed.

How to submit a Credit Card request 

To submit a Credit Card Request you need to go to Finance > Expenditure > Credit Card Requests,and complete the form

You will need to provide appropriate supporting documentation - such as screenshot of online basket or invoice from the company (showing company'details, purchased items and total amount).

Once submitted the credit card request must be authorised and you will be notified by email when your request has been fully approved.

If this is for a new supplier, you will need to raise a new supplier request first, which needs to be approved before the credit card request can be continued.

How to pay with a Credit Card

Credit Card payments can only be made by a Union credit cardholder on Mondays and Wednesdays during drop-in sessions (2pm -4pm) on the second floor in the Union building. The cardholder will then help you make the payment. Please note that the payment will only be made if you can show an approved Credit Card request.

After payment is made:

  • You will need to upload an invoice, receipt or payment confirmation showing the payment having been completed onto the Credit Card request. This can be found in Authorised Credit Card Requests > Upload Receipt/Invoice within the Credit Card Requests page on eActivities. 
  • If your purchase was above £250, then you will have to upload a VAT invoice (see VAT for information on requirements), adressed to Imperial College Union, to the Credit Card request. You may have to get in touch with the company if this was not automatically sent to you after paying. If you are unable to obtain a VAT invoice, please let the Finance team know and provide as much other documentation as possible (as stated in bullet point above),

If you have any questions on this process, get in touch with

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